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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
ultrabill 211 369 0:03:05 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral 0 /12 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 3
Aug 11 '10, 02:33
to 02:36
killed by a jackal
ultrabill 795 1,870 0:12:04 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral 0 /29 dungeon dlvl 4 Aug 11 '10, 02:21
to 02:33
killed by an orcish dagger
ultrabill 1,761,112 56,766 1 day, 2:40:30 3 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic -5 /185 Planes dlvl -5
out of 48
Aug 3 '10, 20:16
to Aug 7 '10, 03:24
killed by a priestess of Ptah, while praying (with the Amulet)
ultrabill 156,288 38,209 9:18:42 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic -3 /108 dungeon dlvl 11
out of 13
Aug 2 '10, 22:46
to Aug 3 '10, 18:51
killed by a soldier ant, while reading a book
ultrabill 26,705 6,372 1:20:47 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic -3 /64 Sokoban dlvl 8
out of 9
Aug 2 '10, 02:25
to 21:30
killed by a soldier ant
ultrabill 2,406 2,451 0:30:01 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic 0 /49 dungeon dlvl 5 Aug 2 '10, 01:36
to 02:06
killed by a soldier ant
ultrabill 1,616 2,110 0:31:35 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic 0 /27 dungeon dlvl 4 Aug 1 '10, 00:43
to 01:15
killed by a giant ant, while praying
quit ultrabill 367 882 0:13:12 0 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic 15 /15 dungeon dlvl 3 Aug 1 '10, 00:30
to 00:43
ascension ultrabill 4,842,160 75,473 23:22:18 0 Barbarian Human Male Neutral 316 /328 Planes dlvl -5
out of 50
Jul 16 '10, 01:29
to Aug 1 '10, 00:28
ultrabill 2,577 3,371 0:32:55 1 Knight Human Male Lawful 0 /42 Mines dlvl 6
out of 7
Jul 15 '10, 22:25
to Jul 16 '10, 00:29
killed by a gnome king
quit ultrabill 0 1 0:00:06 0 Caveman Dwarf Male Lawful 18 /18 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 15 '10, 22:24
to 22:24
ultrabill 4,624 7,338 0:35:52 1 Priest Human Male Lawful -1 /53 dungeon dlvl 5 Jul 13 '10, 01:34
to 02:09
killed by a jaguar
quit ultrabill 0 3 0:00:27 0 Ranger Human Male Chaotic 15 /15 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 13 '10, 01:33
to 01:33
ultrabill 28,896 14,779 3:26:47 1 Knight Human Male Lawful -4 /82 dungeon dlvl 6
out of 10
Jul 10 '10, 20:28
to Jul 12 '10, 22:37
killed by a leocrotta