ultrabill's game of Aug 2 '10, 21:30
killed by a soldier ant
- Time
- Aug 2 '10, 02:25 through Aug 2 '10, 21:30
- Duration
- 1:20:47 time played of 19:05:33 total (dedication: 7.05%)
- Turns
- 6,372 (speed: 0:00:00.760671 per turn)
- Score
- 26,705 (efficiency: 4.19 points per turn)
- Character
- Wizard Elf Male Chaotic
- Ending
- death on dlvl 8 of Sokoban, having reached dlvl 9, with -3/64 HP
- Behavior
- Never ate food
- Never ate animal products
- Never ate meat
- Ignored the gods
- Never hit with a wielded weapon
- Never killed a monster
- Never read anything
- Never polymorphed an object
- Never polymorphed
- Never made a wish
- Never wished for an artifact
- Never caused genocide
- Never lay in a foocubus's arms
- Never entered Hell in human form
- Never caused conflict
- Never imbibed alcohol
- Never used the divine word
- Never wore armor
- Never had sight
- Accomplishments
- Completed the Quest
- Entered Gehennom
- Defeated Vlad
- Defeated the Wizard of Yendor
- Performed the Invocation
- Obtained the Amulet
- Entered the Planes
- Reached the Astral Plane
- Ascended to Demigod(dess)hood
- Completed the Mines
- Completed Sokoban
- Slew Medusa
Dump log
ultrabill, chaotic male elven Wizard Latest messages The python bites! You are being crushed. You are being crushed. You kill the python! You miss the soldier ant. The soldier ant bites! The soldier ant stings! What do you want to wear? [F or ?*] The soldier ant bites! The soldier ant stings! The soldier ant bites! The soldier ant stings! You finish your dressing maneuver. You displaced Dog Food. You hear some noises. You stop. Dog Food is in the way! Dog Food misses the soldier ant. The soldier ant bites! The soldier ant stings! You die... ----------------------------- |..^^^^^^^^.......^^^^......| |=.^^^^^^^^^^?.?^^^^^^^^^^..| |-+-#########---#########-.-| |............<|>............| |.............#.`..|...|[...| |.............#.`.|..|.[|..`| |.............#.`|.`........| |.............#...`...|.`|..| |.............#.|.`..|..`.|.| |.............#..|`.|...`...| |.............#`..`....`%|`.| |.............#...|..|`.|.`.| |.............#....|``.|.f`.| |.............|..........@a.| ----------------------------- Ultrabill the Thaumaturge St:25 Dx:15 Co:16 In:20 Wi:10 Ch:10 Chaotic S:27646 Dlvl:8 $:9410 HP:0(64) Pw:83(83) AC:2 Xp:9/4449 T:6372 Your inventory Amulets S - an uncursed amulet of ESP (being worn) Weapons b - an uncursed +0 dagger D - an uncursed +0 elven dagger a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands) Armor C - an uncursed +2 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) F - an uncursed +0 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn) B - a blessed +1 studded leather armor (being worn) Comestibles x - 5 uncursed food rations l - an uncursed lichen corpse w - 2 uncursed sprigs of wolfsbane Scrolls K - an uncursed scroll of teleportation Rings e - an uncursed ring of fire resistance (on left hand) y - an uncursed ring of poison resistance d - an uncursed ring of polymorph control H - a cursed ring of teleportation Wands c - an uncursed wand of cold (0:2) L - an uncursed wand of create monster (0:13) G - an uncursed wand of locking (0:5) Tools o - an uncursed blindfold n - an uncursed magic marker (0:56) p - an uncursed +0 pick-axe (alternate weapon; not wielded) q - an uncursed wooden flute Gems I - an uncursed worthless piece of green glass v - an uncursed worthless piece of red glass Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 41 You were fire resistant You were sleep resistant You were poison resistant You were magic-protected You were telepathic You had infravision You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - force bolt 1 attack 3% b - cure sickness 3 healing 76% Vanquished creatures a large mimic a gelatinous cube a shocking sphere a tengu a python a chameleon a giant beetle 2 quivering blobs 46 leprechauns a scorpion an owlbear a yeti 4 chickatrices 2 dogs a dingo a housecat a dwarf lord a dust vortex a raven 5 bugbears a water nymph 5 Mordor orcs 2 ponies 2 fog clouds a yellow light a gnome lord a gnomish wizard 2 gray oozes a ghoul a straw golem a paper golem 5 giant ants 3 floating eyes a dwarf 2 homunculi a kobold lord 2 kobold shamans 5 hill orcs 2 rothes a rabid rat 2 orc zombies 2 dwarf zombies 2 wererats 4 iguanas 10 killer bees 2 acid blobs 2 hobbits a large kobold 3 hobgoblins 2 giant rats a cave spider 2 brown molds a yellow mold a red mold 3 gnomes 4 geckos 9 jackals a fox 3 kobolds 3 goblins 2 sewer rats 7 grid bugs 3 bats 4 lichens 3 kobold zombies 7 newts 198 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You were celibate You never caused conflict You wasted 1h 14m 43s of time Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills quarterstaff [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Basic] enchantment spells [Basic] Goodbye ultrabill the Wizard... You died in Sokoban on dungeon level 8 with 26705 points, and 9410 pieces of gold, after 6372 moves. Killer: soldier ant You were level 9 with a maximum of 64 hit points when you died. You reached the 16th place on the top 100 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 4842160 ultrabill-Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 316 [328] 2 4706570 Eevee-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 122 [153] 3 2684710 Chibimon-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 84 [100] 13 28896 ultrabill-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 6 [max 10]. Killed by a leocrotta. - [82] 14 27057 Chibimon-Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 7. Killed by a mumak. - [73] 15 26730 Riiko-Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 7 [max 8]. Killed by an ochre jelly. - [66] *16 26705 ultrabill-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in Sokoban on level 8 [max 9]. Killed by a soldier ant. - [64] 17 26677 Eevee-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha died in Sokoban on level 4 [max 8]. Killed by a housecat. - [65] 18 25808 Riiko-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 5 [max 7]. Killed by a bolt of fire. - [100] 19 25528 Riiko-Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 5 [max 9]. Killed by a plains centaur. - [95]