sparta21's game of Apr 11 '12, 15:36
killed by a water moccasin
- Time
- Apr 11 '12, 15:31 through Apr 11 '12, 15:36
- Duration
- 0:04:28 time played of 0:04:28 total (dedication: 100.00%)
- Turns
- 270 (speed: 0:00:00.992592 per turn)
- Score
- 210 (efficiency: 0.78 points per turn)
- Character
- Wizard Elf Male Chaotic
- Ending
- death on dlvl 1 of the Dungeons of Doom, with -1/18 HP
- Behavior
- Never ate food
- Never ate animal products
- Never ate meat
- Ignored the gods
- Never hit with a wielded weapon
- Never killed a monster
- Never read anything
- Never polymorphed an object
- Never polymorphed
- Never made a wish
- Never wished for an artifact
- Never caused genocide
- Never lay in a foocubus's arms
- Never entered Hell in human form
- Never caused conflict
- Never imbibed alcohol
- Never used the divine word
- Never wore armor
- Never had sight
- Accomplishments
- Completed the Quest
- Entered Gehennom
- Defeated Vlad
- Defeated the Wizard of Yendor
- Performed the Invocation
- Obtained the Amulet
- Entered the Planes
- Reached the Astral Plane
- Ascended to Demigod(dess)hood
- Completed the Mines
- Completed Sokoban
- Slew Medusa
Dump log
sparta21, chaotic male elven Wizard Latest messages Wow! This makes you feel great! You feel wise! A wisp of vapor escapes the fountain... Drink from the fountain? [yn] (n) The cool draught refreshes you. Drink from the fountain? [yn] (n) An endless stream of snakes pours forth! A gush of water hits you on the head! Your helmet rusts! The water moccasin bites! A gush of water hits the water moccasin on the head! You displaced Marmanyx. The water moccasin bites! You kill the lichen! The water moccasin bites! You see here a lichen corpse. A water moccasin was hidden under a lichen corpse! The water moccasin bites! The water moccasin bites! You die... ----- | |...| ------------ |. |..<. |......_...| |. |...| |..........| .. |...| |...........# . |...| ---.--------# ---|- # # # # ## # ############%##### # # #---S------------# ### % #....@..........|# # # |..............|# ### # # # |...............######################## # -----.- |..............|### #-|-|-- |.....| ---------------- |....| |..^..| |....| |..{..| -....| |....(+ ------ ------- Sparta21 the Evoker St:11 Dx:11 Co:12 In:20 Wi:15 Ch:9 Chaotic S:220 Dlvl:1 $:108 HP:0(18) Pw:17(17) AC:9 Xp:2/24 T:270 Satiated Your inventory Weapons r - an uncursed +0 orcish dagger a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands) Armor b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) t - an uncursed rusty +0 orcish helm (being worn) Scrolls j - an uncursed scroll of confuse monster i - an uncursed scroll of light k - an uncursed scroll of remove curse Spellbooks l - a blessed spellbook of force bolt m - an uncursed spellbook of knock Potions f - an uncursed potion of booze g - an uncursed potion of gain energy h - an uncursed potion of monster detection Rings e - an uncursed ring of searching d - an uncursed ring of teleport control Wands c - an uncursed wand of create monster (0:11) Tools n - an uncursed bell p - an uncursed lock pick Final attributes You were fervently aligned Your alignment was 11 You were magic-protected You had infravision You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - force bolt 1 attack 0% b - knock 1 matter 0% Vanquished creatures a jackal a goblin 2 sewer rats 2 grid bugs 3 lichens 9 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You followed a strict vegan diet You were illiterate You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You were celibate You never caused conflict You never invoked the word of protection You wasted 3m 51s of time Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills quarterstaff [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Basic] enchantment spells [Basic] Goodbye sparta21 the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 1 with 210 points, and 108 pieces of gold, after 270 moves. Killer: water moccasin You were level 2 with a maximum of 18 hit points when you died. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 4842160 ultrabill-Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 316 [328] 2 4706570 Eevee-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 122 [153] 3 2931806 Abaxos-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 227 [266] 98 8085 Chibimon-Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 9. Killed by a gnome lord, while reading a book. - [67] 99 7959 fiddler-Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 8. Killed by a stone giant, while praying. - [65] 100 7832 sparta21-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 6. Killed by an arrow. - [53] * 210 sparta21-Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 1. Killed by a water moccasin. - [18]