Eevee's game of Aug 4 '10, 06:40

killed by a land mine

Aug 4 '10, 00:35 through Aug 4 '10, 06:40
1:53:31 time played of 6:04:35 total (dedication: 31.14%)
9,810 (speed: 0:00:00.694291 per turn)
31,136 (efficiency: 3.17 points per turn)
Wizard Elf Female Chaotic
death on dlvl 6 of the Dungeons of Doom, having reached dlvl 11, with -3/55 HP
  • Never ate food
  • Never ate animal products
  • Never ate meat
  • Ignored the gods
  • Never hit with a wielded weapon
  • Never killed a monster
  • Never read anything
  • Never polymorphed an object
  • Never polymorphed
  • Never made a wish
  • Never wished for an artifact
  • Never caused genocide
  • Never lay in a foocubus's arms
  • Never entered Hell in human form
  • Never caused conflict
  • Never imbibed alcohol
  • Never used the divine word
  • Never wore armor
  • Never had sight
  • Completed the Quest
  • Entered Gehennom
  • Defeated Vlad
  • Defeated the Wizard of Yendor
  • Performed the Invocation
  • Obtained the Amulet
  • Entered the Planes
  • Reached the Astral Plane
  • Ascended to Demigod(dess)hood
  • Completed the Mines
  • Completed Sokoban
  • Slew Medusa

Dump log

Direct link

Eevee, chaotic female elven Wizard
Latest messages
  Papa Kitty II bites the winter wolf cub.
  Papa Kitty II bites the winter wolf cub.
  Papa Kitty II bites the winter wolf cub.
  The winter wolf cub is killed!
  You hear some noises in the distance.
  You are beginning to feel hungry.
  What do you want to eat? [pvBEKLP or ?*] 
  Ugh.  Rotten egg.
  The winter wolf cub breathes frost!
  The blast of frost whizzes by you!
  The blast of frost bounces!
  The blast of frost hits you!
  But it reflects from your armor!
  In what direction? 
  The spell misses the winter wolf cub.
  In what direction? 
  The spell misses the winter wolf cub.
  KAABLAMM!!!  You triggered a land mine!
  Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load.
  You die...

               -----------      -------------
               |.........|      |*.......*.*|
               |.........|     #....-----...|
               |..........      |...|.{.|...|
              #....).....|      |....{.{|...|#
              #---------.-     #[...|.{.|...-##
              #                 |...-----...|##       ------|-
   --------   #                 |...........|##       .......+
   |..d..f| ###                 |..........*|#        |......|
   |.@....| #                   -------------#########.....<.|
   |.......##                                         |......|
   |......|                                           |(.....|
   |......|                                           --------

Eevee the Magician        St:12 Dx:13 Co:16 In:20 Wi:12 Ch:12  Chaotic S:31236
Dlvl:6  $:1006 HP:0(55) Pw:95(111) AC:-1 Xp:10/7425 T:9810 Burdened

Your inventory
  J - an uncursed +1 elven dagger (weapon in hand)
  b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)
  X - a blessed greased +1 silver dragon scale mail (being worn)
  E - 7 uncursed food rations
  B - 2 uncursed food rations
  v - an uncursed lichen corpse
  p - an uncursed pancake
  P - an uncursed tin of rothe meat
  K - an uncursed tripe ration
  R - 2 uncursed scrolls of blank paper
  M - 2 blessed scrolls of blank paper
  i - an uncursed scroll of blank paper
  a - a cursed scroll of blank paper
  q - an uncursed scroll of charging
  W - an uncursed scroll of confuse monster
  n - a cursed scroll of confuse monster
  Y - an uncursed scroll of create monster
  F - an uncursed scroll of destroy armor
  U - an uncursed scroll of fire
  g - an uncursed scroll of food detection
  e - an uncursed scroll of identify
  r - 2 uncursed scrolls of light
  s - an uncursed scroll of magic mapping
  Q - an uncursed scroll of punishment
  o - an uncursed scroll of remove curse
  V - an uncursed scroll of teleportation
  I - an uncursed scroll of teleportation
  h - an uncursed potion of speed
  z - an uncursed ring of cold resistance
  d - an uncursed ring of free action
  l - an uncursed ring of protection from shape changers
  G - an uncursed ring of see invisible
  t - an uncursed wand of digging (0:7)
  m - an uncursed wand of digging (0:6)
  y - an uncursed wand of magic missile (0:5)
  c - an uncursed wand of magic missile (0:4)
  C - an uncursed wand of opening (0:7)
  N - a blessed wand of speed monster (0:7)
  T - an uncursed wand of striking (0:5)
  w - an uncursed can of grease (0:25)
  H - an uncursed magic marker (0:43)
  f - an uncursed magic marker (0:35)
  j - an uncursed pair of lenses
  Z - an uncursed sack named GEMS
  k - an uncursed skeleton key
  S - an uncursed tin opener
  A - an uncursed tinning kit (0:97)
  D - an uncursed towel
  u - an uncursed +0 unicorn horn
  O - an uncursed flint stone
  x - an uncursed luckstone

Contents of the sack named GEMS:
  an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping
  3 uncursed worthless pieces of blue glass
  2 uncursed emeralds
  5 uncursed worthless pieces of green glass
  2 uncursed worthless pieces of orange glass
  an uncursed worthless piece of orange glass
  an uncursed ruby
  4 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass
  3 uncursed amethyst stones
  8 uncursed worthless pieces of violet glass
  3 uncursed diamonds
  2 uncursed dilithium crystals
  3 uncursed worthless pieces of white glass
  an uncursed worthless piece of yellow glass
  2 uncursed amber stones

Final attributes
  You were piously aligned
  Your alignment was  58
  You were sleep resistant
  You were poison resistant
  You were magic-protected
  You had wounded legs
  You were telepathic
  You had infravision
  You had reflection
  You were lucky (3)
  You had extra luck
  Bad luck did not time out for you
  Good luck did not time out for you
  You are dead 

Spells known in the end
      Name               Level    Category     Fail
  a - force bolt             1    attack         0%
  b - light                  1    divination     0%
  c - sleep                  1    enchantment    0%

Vanquished creatures
  a large mimic
  a winter wolf
  5 small mimics
  a warhorse
  a xan
  a wood golem
  a shocking sphere
  a gargoyle
  a tengu
  an ochre jelly
  a human mummy
  a python
  a giant beetle
  3 winter wolf cubs
  an orc-captain
  a giant spider
  a black light
  3 gnome kings
  an orc mummy
  a yeti
  a gold golem
  a dog
  a housecat
  2 dwarf lords
  a white unicorn
  a dust vortex
  a raven
  4 gnome mummies
  4 apes
  a rope golem
  a soldier ant
  a fire ant
  7 bugbears
  an Uruk-hai
  a rock piercer
  2 rock moles
  a yellow light
  a shrieker
  18 gnome lords
  6 gnomish wizards
  2 elf zombies
  a straw golem
  2 paper golems
  a floating eye
  22 dwarves
  a homunculus
  a kobold lord
  2 hill orcs
  8 rothes
  2 giant bats
  2 monkeys
  4 orc zombies
  a dwarf zombie
  5 iguanas
  7 killer bees
  3 coyotes
  7 hobbits
  6 hobgoblins
  2 giant rats
  a cave spider
  a brown mold
  3 yellow molds
  a green mold
  66 gnomes
  7 garter snakes
  2 geckos
  3 jackals
  a fox
  2 kobolds
  6 goblins
  6 sewer rats
  8 grid bugs
  4 lichens
  3 kobold zombies
  4 newts
  281 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges
  You never genocided any monsters
  You never polymorphed an object
  You never changed form
  You used 1 wish
  You did not wish for any artifacts
  You were celibate
  You never caused conflict
  You wasted 1h 48m 38s of time

Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    dagger             [Expert]
    quarterstaff       [Basic]
  Spellcasting Skills
    attack spells      [Skilled]
    enchantment spells [Basic]

Goodbye Eevee the Wizard...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 6 with 31136 points,
and 1006 pieces of gold, after 9810 moves.
Killer: land mine
You were level 10 with a maximum of 55 hit points when you died.

You reached the 14th place on the top 100 list.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    4842160  ultrabill-Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood.   316 [328]
  2    4706570  Eevee-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood.   122 [153]
  3    2684710  Chibimon-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to
                demigoddess-hood.                                      84 [100]

 11      39583  Riiko-Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 10 [max 11].  Killed by a dwarf zombie, while
                praying.                                                -  [75]
 12      34668  Chibimon-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law turned to stone in Sokoban
                on level 7 [max 11].  Petrified by a cockatrice.      102 [102]
 13      33986  doc-Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 7 [max 11].  Killed by a gnome lord.              -  [72]
*14      31136  Eevee-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on          
                level 6 [max 11].  Killed by a land mine.               -  [55]
 15      28896  ultrabill-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of
                Doom on level 6 [max 10].  Killed by a leocrotta.       -  [82]
 16      27057  Chibimon-Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on
                level 7.  Killed by a mumak.                            -  [73]
 17      26730  Riiko-Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on
                level 7 [max 8].  Killed by an ochre jelly.             -  [66]