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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
quit sleepnasty 0 1 0:00:06 0 Samurai Human Male Lawful 15 /15 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 6 '22, 21:49
to 21:49
sleepnasty 212 352 0:04:37 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /12 dungeon dlvl 2 Jul 6 '22, 21:24
to 21:29
killed by a poisonous corpse
sleepnasty 847 1,818 2:44:27 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /33 dungeon dlvl 4 Jul 6 '22, 15:48
to 21:13
killed by a pony, while fainted from lack of food
sleepnasty 256 793 0:04:45 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -4 /15 dungeon dlvl 3 Jul 6 '22, 15:43
to 15:48
killed by a magic missile
sleepnasty 877 1,777 1:13:53 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /37 dungeon dlvl 4 Jul 6 '22, 02:47
to 04:01
killed by a giant mimic
sleepnasty 799 1,061 0:09:02 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /33 dungeon dlvl 4 Jul 6 '22, 02:38
to 02:47
killed by a giant ant
quit sleepnasty 184 736 1:11:58 0 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 18 /18 dungeon dlvl 2 Jul 6 '22, 01:26
to 02:38
sleepnasty 296 671 0:06:56 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -5 /20 dungeon dlvl 2 Jul 6 '22, 01:19
to 01:26
killed by a gas spore's explosion
sleepnasty 2,305 2,009 0:50:13 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 44 /50 dungeon dlvl 4 Jul 5 '22, 20:43
to 21:33
poisoned by a rotted giant ant corpse
sleepnasty 763 1,591 0:15:41 1 Samurai Human Male Lawful
0 /38 dungeon dlvl 4 Jul 5 '22, 20:27
to 20:43
killed by a newt, while frozen by a monster's gaze
quit sleepnasty 55 21 0:01:55 0 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 12 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 5 '22, 20:23
to 20:25
sleepnasty 963 1,072 0:09:10 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -4 /34 dungeon dlvl 4 Jul 4 '22, 19:52
to 20:01
killed by a rothe
quit sleepnasty 512 801 0:10:46 0 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 15 /20 dungeon dlvl 3 Jul 4 '22, 19:41
to 19:52
sleepnasty 234 1,380 0:07:10 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -3 /23 dungeon dlvl 2 Jul 4 '22, 19:34
to 19:41
killed by a kobold zombie, while fainted from lack of food
sleepnasty 1,940 2,472 0:53:25 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /41 dungeon dlvl 4 Jul 1 '22, 16:58
to 17:51
killed by a giant ant
sleepnasty 312 971 0:19:58 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /15 dungeon dlvl 2 Jul 1 '22, 16:38
to 16:58
killed by a falling rock
sleepnasty 803 1,149 0:08:28 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -5 /26 Mines dlvl 3 Jul 1 '22, 15:20
to 15:29
killed by a dwarf
escape sleepnasty 242 556 0:04:14 0 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 12 /12 dungeon dlvl 1
out of 2
Jul 1 '22, 15:16
to 15:20
sleepnasty 1,045 1,755 0:16:44 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /37 Mines dlvl 3 Jul 1 '22, 14:59
to 15:16
killed by a falling rock
sleepnasty 90 552 0:04:01 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /12 dungeon dlvl 2 Jul 1 '22, 04:03
to 04:07
killed by a small mimic
sleepnasty 1,460 2,357 0:21:10 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -11 /33 dungeon dlvl 5 Jul 1 '22, 03:41
to 04:02
killed by the hallucinogen-distorted Oracle
sleepnasty 12 41 0:00:30 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 1 '22, 03:40
to 03:41
killed by a grid bug
escape sleepnasty 53 15 0:00:15 0 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 2 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 1 '22, 03:40
to 03:40