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Most egregious deaths

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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
quit doc 5,491 3,190 0:29:50 0 Monk Human Male Neutral 35 /51 dungeon dlvl 7
out of 8
Sep 8 '10, 08:36
to Mar 8 '12, 02:23
doc 41 9 0:00:21 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -1 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 8 '10, 08:35
to 08:36
killed by a water moccasin, while praying
escape doc 3 1 0:00:11 0 Monk Human Male Neutral 14 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 8 '10, 08:34
to 08:34
doc 17,326 5,698 1:16:27 1 Monk Human Male Neutral 0 /63 dungeon dlvl 11 Sep 7 '10, 09:09
to 10:25
killed by a warg
doc 12,462 3,660 1:10:47 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -4 /46 dungeon dlvl 12 Sep 6 '10, 08:35
to 09:46
killed by an energy vortex
doc 834 1,245 0:19:11 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -3 /31 dungeon dlvl 4 Aug 7 '10, 21:52
to 22:11
killed by a water moccasin, while frozen by a monster's gaze
doc 656 751 0:13:23 1 Monk Human Male Neutral 0 /25 dungeon dlvl 3 Aug 4 '10, 07:09
to 07:22
killed by a giant rat, while reading a book
doc 86 211 0:10:58 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -13 /14 dungeon dlvl 1
out of 2
Aug 4 '10, 06:41
to 06:52
killed by a guard
doc 843 1,383 0:17:52 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -6 /28 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Jul 29 '10, 04:21
to 04:39
killed by a hobgoblin
doc 1,314 2,164 3 days, 18:35:32 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -10 /41 dungeon dlvl 5 Jul 25 '10, 09:42
to Jul 29 '10, 04:18
killed by Yeenoghu
doc 3,008 2,340 14 days, 4:50:45 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -1 /59 dungeon dlvl 8 Feb 9 '10, 05:48
to Jul 23 '10, 09:42
killed by a soldier ant
doc 318 740 0:12:12 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -5 /25 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Feb 9 '10, 05:33
to 05:46
killed by a magic missile
doc 468 721 0:09:45 1 Monk Human Male Neutral 0 /22 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 3
Feb 8 '10, 09:34
to 09:43
killed by a water moccasin
doc 622 719 0:08:57 1 Samurai Human Male Lawful -1 /33 dungeon dlvl 2 Feb 8 '10, 09:22
to 09:31
killed by a water moccasin
doc 3,638 2,618 0:27:00 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful -3 /64 dungeon dlvl 7 Nov 23 '09, 09:56
to 10:23
killed by a poisonous corpse
doc 6,334 3,718 1:34:54 1 Monk Human Male Neutral 0 /57 Mines dlvl 8 Nov 22 '09, 21:09
to 22:44
killed by a mind flayer
doc 1,074 1,887 0:17:58 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful -1 /44 dungeon dlvl 5
out of 6
Nov 20 '09, 04:04
to 04:22
killed by a rabid rat, while frozen by a monster's gaze
doc 4,700 1,961 5 days, 8:01:36 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -4 /45 Mines dlvl 7 Nov 14 '09, 19:59
to Nov 20 '09, 04:01
killed by a gnome king
doc 9,725 3,767 1:08:54 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -11 /52 Mines dlvl 8 Nov 14 '09, 07:54
to 09:03
killed by a bolt of lightning
doc 18,467 3,769 3:58:04 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -5 /61 dungeon dlvl 9
out of 10
Nov 13 '09, 03:41
to Nov 14 '09, 07:47
killed by a spotted jelly
doc 33,986 8,161 12:13:46 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -2 /72 dungeon dlvl 7
out of 11
Nov 11 '09, 19:22
to Nov 12 '09, 21:20
killed by a gnome lord
doc 526 809 0:07:23 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -5 /28 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Nov 11 '09, 19:14
to 19:22
killed by a wand
doc 224 746 0:10:13 1 Monk Human Male Lawful -1 /21 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 3
Nov 10 '09, 19:51
to Nov 11 '09, 07:08
killed by a magic missile
doc 4,502 3,516 0:41:21 1 Priest Human Male Neutral 0 /48 Mines dlvl 6 Nov 10 '09, 10:33
to 19:50
killed by a winter wolf cub
doc 280 744 0:12:11 1 Priest Human Male Neutral -2 /14 dungeon dlvl 2 Nov 10 '09, 10:20
to 10:32
killed by a sewer rat, while praying
doc 2,469 1,896 0:49:27 1 Monk Human Male Neutral 0 /49 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Nov 10 '09, 09:29
to 10:18
killed by a bolt of fire
doc 182 671 0:14:30 1 Monk Human Male Lawful -4 /24 dungeon dlvl 2 Nov 10 '09, 09:13
to 09:28
killed by a magic missile
doc 660 1,394 0:30:40 1 Priest Human Male Lawful -2 /35 dungeon dlvl 3 Nov 10 '09, 08:42
to 09:13
killed by a water demon
doc 954 998 0:11:33 1 Priest Human Male Lawful -1 /43 dungeon dlvl 4
out of 5
Nov 10 '09, 08:27
to 08:39
killed by a gnome lord, while praying
doc 3,587 2,008 0:23:27 1 Priest Elf Male Chaotic -1 /48 Mines dlvl 6 Nov 9 '09, 22:51
to 23:14
killed by a white unicorn
doc 49 124 0:00:59 1 Monk Human Male Neutral 0 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Nov 9 '09, 22:46
to 22:47
killed by a water demon
doc 305 736 0:06:10 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -10 /22 dungeon dlvl 3 Nov 9 '09, 22:39
to 22:46
killed by a bolt of cold
doc 1,778 1,917 0:23:14 1 Monk Human Male Lawful -2 /38 Mines dlvl 5 Nov 9 '09, 22:16
to 22:39
killed by a gnome lord, while praying
doc 5,232 3,747 0:52:17 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 0 /66 Mines dlvl 11 Nov 8 '09, 22:56
to Nov 9 '09, 22:15
killed by an energy vortex
doc 638 1,118 0:08:32 1 Tourist Human Male Neutral -1 /27 dungeon dlvl 4 Nov 8 '09, 22:45
to 22:54
poisoned by a rabid rat
doc 137,745 17,574 6:07:44 1 Valkyrie Human Female Lawful 119 /119 dungeon dlvl 19 Nov 3 '09, 17:39
to Nov 5 '09, 22:43
petrified by a cockatrice corpse
doc 706 1,153 0:28:10 1 Tourist Human Male Neutral 0 /32 dungeon dlvl 4 Nov 2 '09, 22:51
to Nov 3 '09, 17:38
killed by a sewer rat
doc 394 420 0:04:37 1 Tourist Human Male Neutral -1 /25 dungeon dlvl 4 Nov 2 '09, 22:01
to 22:06
killed by a jackal, while praying
doc 5,539 2,926 1:45:36 1 Valkyrie Human Female Lawful -1 /81 Mines dlvl 8 Nov 2 '09, 19:49
to 21:57
poisoned by a vampire bat
doc 2,427 1,659 2:42:53 1 Valkyrie Human Female Lawful -1 /67 Mines dlvl 4 Oct 30 '09, 00:06
to Nov 2 '09, 06:03
killed by a straw golem, while praying
doc 586 1,141 0:07:41 1 Monk Human Male Lawful -3 /18 Mines dlvl 4 Oct 29 '09, 23:58
to Oct 30 '09, 00:06
killed by a gnome
doc 1,364 954 0:50:45 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -1 /35 Mines dlvl 4 Oct 29 '09, 07:21
to 20:04
killed by a jaguar
quit doc 0 1 0:00:19 0 Ranger Elf Female Chaotic 14 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Oct 29 '09, 02:24
to 02:24
doc 5,540 3,157 0:56:29 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -15 /58 Mines dlvl 6 Oct 29 '09, 01:22
to 02:18
killed by a djinni called Smoky, while praying
doc 196 408 0:08:59 1 Monk Human Male Lawful -2 /20 dungeon dlvl 3 Oct 29 '09, 01:11
to 01:20
killed by a wand
quit doc 0 1 0:01:04 0 Monk Human Male Lawful 14 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Oct 28 '09, 23:11
to 23:12
quit doc 238 215 1:06:47 0 Monk Human Male Lawful 14 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Oct 28 '09, 21:48
to 23:09
doc 1,983 2,771 0:20:07 1 Wizard Orc Male Chaotic -2 /44 dungeon dlvl 4
out of 6
Oct 28 '09, 06:01
to 06:21
killed by a rothe, while fainted from lack of food
doc 24 122 22:41:42 1 Samurai Human Male Lawful -2 /15 dungeon dlvl 1 Oct 27 '09, 07:18
to Oct 28 '09, 06:00
killed by a water moccasin
doc 3,362 4,383 2:38:22 1 Tourist Human Male Neutral -2 /59 Mines dlvl 7 Oct 26 '09, 23:41
to Oct 27 '09, 07:17
killed by a wand
doc 1,120 1,203 0:17:10 1 Monk Human Male Lawful -2 /27 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Oct 26 '09, 23:20
to 23:40
killed by a magic missile
doc 2,664 2,503 0:30:43 1 Monk Human Male Lawful -13 /43 Mines dlvl 7 Oct 26 '09, 22:44
to 23:20
killed by a bolt of cold
doc 167 309 0:02:49 1 Monk Human Male Lawful 0 /14 dungeon dlvl 3 Oct 26 '09, 22:41
to 22:44
killed by contaminated water
doc 340 623 0:11:09 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -1 /21 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 3
Oct 26 '09, 22:28
to 22:41
killed by a wand
quit doc 0 18 0:10:56 0 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 18 /18 dungeon dlvl 1 Oct 26 '09, 10:25
to 22:27
doc 20 1,487 0:03:44 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 18 /18 dungeon dlvl 1 Oct 26 '09, 10:21
to 10:25
died of starvation
doc 925 1,155 0:15:02 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -1 /22 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Oct 26 '09, 10:00
to 10:15
killed by a hallucinogen-distorted brown mold
doc 229 904 0:09:38 1 Barbarian Orc Male Chaotic -1 /26 dungeon dlvl 2 Oct 26 '09, 07:45
to 07:54
killed by a black pudding
doc 898 844 0:07:45 1 Monk Human Male Lawful -1 /24 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Oct 25 '09, 22:57
to 23:05
killed by a coyote, while frozen by a monster's gaze
doc 52 21 0:00:15 1 Monk Human Male Neutral -3 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Oct 25 '09, 22:56
to 22:57
killed by a water moccasin
quit doc 0 1 0:00:14 0 Monk Human Male Neutral 14 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Oct 25 '09, 22:55
to 22:55