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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
quit Twill 0 1 0:00:20 0 Tourist Human Male Neutral 10 /10 dungeon dlvl 1 Feb 5 '14, 13:58
to 13:58
quit Twill 657 565 0:06:29 0 Knight Human Male Lawful 32 /32 dungeon dlvl 6 Feb 5 '14, 13:40
to 13:58
Twill 387 630 0:09:32 1 Barbarian Orc Male Chaotic -2 /15 dungeon dlvl 4 Feb 5 '14, 13:30
to 13:39
killed by a gas spore's explosion
Twill 1,104 917 0:07:56 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful -3 /51 dungeon dlvl 4 Feb 5 '14, 13:22
to 13:30
killed by a giant ant
quit Twill 281 364 0:04:48 0 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 27 /27 dungeon dlvl 2 Feb 5 '14, 13:17
to 13:22
Twill 66 64 0:00:52 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 0 /18 dungeon dlvl 2 Feb 5 '14, 13:16
to 13:17
killed by a sewer rat
quit Twill 104 749 0:07:51 0 Wizard Human Female Neutral 12 /12 dungeon dlvl 2 Feb 4 '14, 17:46
to Feb 5 '14, 13:16
quit Twill 38 5 0:00:18 0 Archeologist Human Male Neutral 10 /13 dungeon dlvl 1 Feb 4 '14, 17:44
to 17:44
Twill 1,429 1,901 0:15:29 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful -1 /59 dungeon dlvl 7 Feb 4 '14, 17:28
to 17:44
killed by a snake
quit Twill 68 422 0:02:42 0 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 18 /18 dungeon dlvl 2 Feb 4 '14, 17:26
to 17:28
Twill 2,642 2,561 0:34:58 1 Priest Elf Female Chaotic -27 /48 dungeon dlvl 6 Feb 4 '14, 14:17
to 17:24
killed by the Oracle
Twill 1,971 1,526 0:40:00 1 Priest Elf Female Chaotic 0 /33 Mines dlvl 5 Feb 4 '14, 13:20
to 14:17
killed by a gnome
quit Twill 176 358 0:04:03 0 Samurai Human Male Lawful 15 /15 dungeon dlvl 2 Feb 3 '14, 17:43
to Feb 4 '14, 13:19
quit Twill 705 1,355 0:15:47 0 Valkyrie Human Female Lawful 28 /38 dungeon dlvl 4 Feb 3 '14, 17:27
to 17:43
Twill 118 477 0:05:05 1 Caveman Dwarf Male Lawful -6 /18 dungeon dlvl 3 Feb 3 '14, 17:22
to 17:27
killed by a small mimic
Twill 93 163 0:01:21 1 Caveman Dwarf Male Lawful -2 /18 dungeon dlvl 1 Feb 3 '14, 17:20
to 17:22
killed by kicking a wall
Twill 110 634 0:06:05 1 Caveman Dwarf Male Lawful -1 /26 dungeon dlvl 1 Feb 3 '14, 17:14
to 17:20
killed by a fox
quit Twill 58 63 0:03:44 0 Caveman Dwarf Male Lawful 18 /18 dungeon dlvl 1 Feb 3 '14, 17:10
to 17:14
quit Twill 0 1 0:00:16 0 Caveman Dwarf Male Lawful 18 /18 dungeon dlvl 1 Feb 3 '14, 17:09
to 17:09
quit Twill 0 2 0:00:51 0 Caveman Dwarf Male Lawful 18 /18 dungeon dlvl 1 Feb 3 '14, 17:05
to 17:06