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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
Nimbus 4,263 4,112 1:12:02 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful -4 /59 dungeon dlvl 5
out of 6
Sep 19 '10, 01:19
to Sep 24 '10, 07:01
killed by a boiling potion
Nimbus 372 941 0:08:28 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic 0 /32 Mines dlvl 3 Sep 19 '10, 01:07
to 01:16
killed by a gnome lord, while reading a book
Nimbus 5,006 2,211 0:50:41 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -3 /58 Mines dlvl 5 Sep 18 '10, 17:33
to Sep 19 '10, 00:18
killed by a soldier ant
quit Nimbus 85 29 0:01:08 0 Monk Human Male Chaotic 14 /14 dungeon dlvl 2 Sep 18 '10, 17:31
to 17:32
Nimbus 107 110 0:01:32 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic 0 /14 dungeon dlvl 2 Sep 18 '10, 17:29
to 17:31
killed by a water demon
Nimbus 4,960 2,405 0:40:57 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -4 /62 Mines dlvl 6 Sep 16 '10, 17:33
to Sep 18 '10, 17:28
killed by a watch captain
Nimbus 218 594 0:05:08 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic 0 /14 dungeon dlvl 3 Sep 16 '10, 17:26
to 17:31
killed by a fox
Nimbus 17,421 5,096 1:45:16 2 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic -12 /56 Mines dlvl 7
out of 8
Sep 15 '10, 00:26
to 06:35
killed by a bolt of lightning
quit Nimbus 1,037 1,446 0:32:56 0 Monk Human Male Chaotic 28 /35 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 4
Sep 14 '10, 22:42
to Sep 15 '10, 00:26
quit Nimbus 687 1,218 0:16:35 0 Barbarian Human Male Chaotic 42 /42 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 3
Sep 14 '10, 18:46
to 19:02
Nimbus 16,419 4,866 1:55:17 1 Barbarian Human Male Chaotic -8 /82 Mines dlvl 9 Sep 14 '10, 05:15
to 07:10
killed by a Woodland-elf
Nimbus 81 418 0:03:40 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 0 /18 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 14 '10, 05:06
to 05:10
killed by a water demon
Nimbus 0 84 0:07:51 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic 0 /11 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 14 '10, 04:58
to 05:05
killed by a succubus
Nimbus 117 478 0:38:43 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic -1 /12 dungeon dlvl 1
out of 2
Sep 13 '10, 03:56
to Sep 14 '10, 04:57
killed by a water demon
quit Nimbus 641 998 1:05:44 0 Monk Human Male Chaotic 20 /38 dungeon dlvl 2 Sep 13 '10, 02:49
to 03:56
Nimbus 8,252 4,016 1:01:35 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic -4 /52 Mines dlvl 8 Sep 11 '10, 18:42
to Sep 13 '10, 02:46
killed by a dog
Nimbus 4,702 2,639 0:57:48 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic -1 /46 Mines dlvl 6
out of 7
Sep 11 '10, 17:43
to 18:41
killed by a hallucinogen-distorted fire ant
Nimbus 2,453 1,818 0:59:11 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic -1 /48 Mines dlvl 5 Sep 6 '10, 21:30
to 22:29
killed by a yeti
Nimbus 6,320 2,827 1:19:25 1 Ranger Elf Male Chaotic -4 /62 Mines dlvl 5 Sep 6 '10, 07:24
to 08:43
killed by a soldier ant
Nimbus 2,563 2,085 0:25:46 1 Ranger Elf Male Chaotic -3 /37 Mines dlvl 5
out of 6
Sep 6 '10, 02:34
to 03:00
killed by a human zombie
Nimbus 1,535 1,811 0:21:16 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 0 /41 dungeon dlvl 4
out of 5
Sep 5 '10, 15:04
to Sep 6 '10, 02:34
killed by a hill orc, while fainted from lack of food
Nimbus 891 1,393 0:12:13 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 0 /43 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 4
Sep 5 '10, 14:51
to 15:03
killed by a water moccasin, while sleeping
quit Nimbus 2,093 1,905 0:40:00 0 Wizard Gnome Male Neutral 46 /47 Mines dlvl 5 Sep 5 '10, 01:25
to 03:22
Nimbus 699 2,037 3:02:41 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 0 /49 Mines dlvl 5 Sep 4 '10, 22:14
to Sep 5 '10, 01:17
killed by a watchman
Nimbus 14 10 0:00:20 1 Valkyrie Human Female Lawful -5 /16 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 4 '10, 22:12
to 22:12
killed by a falling rock
quit Nimbus 199 360 0:02:57 0 Monk Human Male Chaotic 14 /14 dungeon dlvl 1
out of 2
Sep 4 '10, 22:07
to 22:10
Nimbus 5,409 1,844 0:30:24 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -3 /46 Mines dlvl 6 Sep 4 '10, 17:57
to 22:06
killed by a jaguar
Nimbus 90 75 0:01:15 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -3 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 4 '10, 17:56
to 17:57
killed by a water moccasin
Nimbus 43 76 0:01:27 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -2 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 4 '10, 17:54
to 17:56
killed by a water moccasin
Nimbus 1,409 1,024 0:16:26 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic 0 /46 Mines dlvl 5
out of 6
Sep 4 '10, 04:15
to 04:32
killed by a dingo
quit Nimbus 200 155 0:02:23 0 Monk Human Male Chaotic 11 /14 dungeon dlvl 1
out of 2
Sep 4 '10, 04:13
to 04:15
Nimbus 568 1,047 0:15:51 1 Wizard Elf Male Chaotic -2 /18 Mines dlvl 3 Sep 3 '10, 18:12
to 18:28
killed by a gnome lord
quit Nimbus 363 1,999 0:42:08 0 Ranger Gnome Male Neutral 26 /26 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 3 '10, 03:52
to 18:12
Nimbus 91 351 0:08:59 1 Ranger Gnome Male Neutral -3 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 3 '10, 03:43
to 03:52
killed by a water moccasin
Nimbus 682 1,182 0:16:36 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful -1 /43 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Sep 3 '10, 03:20
to 03:37
killed by a water moccasin
escape Nimbus 2 1 0:00:07 0 Rogue Human Female Chaotic 12 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Sep 3 '10, 03:16
to 03:16
Nimbus 364 922 0:20:36 1 Wizard Gnome Male Neutral 0 /15 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 3
Sep 2 '10, 08:13
to Sep 3 '10, 03:15
killed by a kobold, while fainted from lack of food
Nimbus 3,216 2,033 3:20:46 1 Priest Elf Male Chaotic 0 /43 Mines dlvl 4 Sep 2 '10, 04:49
to 08:10
killed by a little dog
quit Nimbus 3,262 2,005 0:38:53 0 Priest Elf Male Chaotic 48 /48 Mines dlvl 3
out of 5
Sep 1 '10, 20:46
to 21:25
Nimbus 1,527 2,001 1:01:23 1 Priest Human Male Neutral -7 /37 Mines dlvl 4 Aug 31 '10, 19:56
to 20:57
killed by a gnome lord
Nimbus 36 261 0:07:57 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Aug 31 '10, 19:45
to 19:53
killed by a fox
Nimbus 714 766 4 days, 12:30:24 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic -7 /28 Mines dlvl 3 Aug 27 '10, 07:12
to Aug 31 '10, 19:43
killed by a gnome lord
Nimbus 871 1,404 0:13:29 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic 0 /28 dungeon dlvl 5
out of 6
Aug 26 '10, 20:56
to 21:09
killed by a magic missile
Nimbus 845 1,938 0:36:40 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic -10 /26 dungeon dlvl 3 Aug 26 '10, 20:18
to 20:55
killed by touching Stormbringer
Nimbus 225 558 0:14:18 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic -6 /11 dungeon dlvl 3 Aug 26 '10, 20:04
to 20:18
killed by an acid blob
escape Nimbus 8 1 0:00:10 0 Healer Gnome Male Neutral 12 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Aug 26 '10, 20:03
to 20:03
Nimbus 2,447 2,506 0:37:22 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic 1 /41 dungeon dlvl 6 Aug 26 '10, 18:17
to 20:02
poisoned by a rotted elf corpse
Nimbus 3,443 2,675 0:42:19 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic -3 /52 dungeon dlvl 10 Aug 25 '10, 18:41
to 19:23
killed by a warg
Nimbus 546 1,182 0:15:01 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic -1 /27 dungeon dlvl 3 Aug 23 '10, 19:05
to 19:20
killed by a wererat
Nimbus 695 1,075 0:16:13 1 Rogue Orc Male Chaotic 0 /30 dungeon dlvl 3 Aug 23 '10, 18:48
to 19:04
killed by a little dog
Nimbus 276 405 0:22:19 1 Valkyrie Dwarf Female Lawful 0 /18 dungeon dlvl 2 Aug 23 '10, 18:25
to 18:47
killed by a sewer rat
quit Nimbus 1,749 2,650 0:36:12 0 Priest Human Male Chaotic 40 /50 Mines dlvl 4 Nov 10 '09, 20:06
to Nov 21 '09, 03:11
Nimbus 3,085 1,954 0:22:41 1 Monk Human Female Chaotic 0 /60 dungeon dlvl 6 Nov 4 '09, 07:29
to Nov 10 '09, 20:06
killed by a Mordor orc
Nimbus 896 1,265 2 days, 1:30:58 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -4 /32 Mines dlvl 3 Nov 2 '09, 05:50
to Nov 4 '09, 07:28
burned by a tower of flame