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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
Dragma 198 415 0:12:38 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -3 /22 dungeon dlvl 3 Jul 28 '10, 03:07
to 03:19
killed by a magic missile
Dragma 1,929 1,511 2:23:46 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic 0 /30 dungeon dlvl 5
out of 6
Jul 28 '10, 00:37
to 03:02
killed by a water demon
Dragma 67 26 0:00:46 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -11 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 28 '10, 00:33
to 00:34
killed by a bolt of lightning
escape Dragma 4 1 0:00:51 0 Monk Human Male Chaotic 14 /14 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 28 '10, 00:30
to 00:31
Dragma 98 441 0:31:58 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic 0 /14 dungeon dlvl 2 Apr 21 '10, 21:33
to Jul 28 '10, 00:28
killed by a magic missile
Dragma 929 1,214 0:41:14 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -3 /35 dungeon dlvl 4 Apr 21 '10, 20:48
to 21:30
killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze
Dragma 832 721 0:13:03 1 Samurai Human Male Lawful -1 /38 Mines dlvl 5 Nov 23 '09, 01:47
to 02:00
killed by a homunculus
escape Dragma 2 1 0:01:20 0 Tourist Human Female Neutral 10 /10 dungeon dlvl 1 Nov 23 '09, 01:45
to 01:46
Dragma 1,724 863 0:18:25 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -1 /33 Mines dlvl 5
out of 6
Nov 23 '09, 01:26
to 01:44
killed by a dingo
Dragma 9,867 4,248 1:31:05 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -2 /54 dungeon dlvl 11 Nov 21 '09, 15:20
to 16:51
killed by a blue jelly
Dragma 102 102 0:01:56 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -8 /14 dungeon dlvl 2 Nov 21 '09, 15:17
to 15:19
killed by a falling rock
Dragma 1,194 1,107 0:28:02 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -1 /30 dungeon dlvl 4 Nov 21 '09, 14:48
to 15:16
killed by a straw golem, while frozen by a monster's gaze
Dragma 3,651 1,558 0:44:28 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -1 /58 dungeon dlvl 6 Nov 20 '09, 22:36
to 23:20
killed by an ape
Dragma 712 1,277 0:26:17 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -1 /14 dungeon dlvl 3 Nov 13 '09, 02:50
to 03:16
killed by a gas spore's explosion
Dragma 10,009 2,249 1:02:11 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -1 /61 Mines dlvl 11 Nov 10 '09, 10:12
to 11:14
killed by a dart
Dragma 432 690 0:09:34 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -1 /28 dungeon dlvl 4 Nov 10 '09, 09:57
to 10:06
killed by a little dog
Dragma 3,220 1,665 0:30:02 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic 0 /56 dungeon dlvl 5 Nov 9 '09, 15:37
to 16:07
killed by a rothe
Dragma 3,292 2,871 1:04:32 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic -1 /47 Sokoban dlvl 6
out of 7
Nov 9 '09, 14:28
to 15:32
burned by molten lava
Dragma 1,256 1,480 1:14:40 1 Monk Human Male Chaotic 0 /32 dungeon dlvl 4 Nov 9 '09, 00:55
to 14:25
killed by a rothe