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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
Chibimon 836 1,136 0:21:00 1 Valkyrie Human Female Lawful -2 /40 Mines dlvl 3
out of 4
May 25 '11, 03:24
to 03:45
killed by a kitten, while frozen by a monster's gaze
Chibimon 1,898 2,765 2:44:34 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -6 /43 dungeon dlvl 7
out of 8
Jan 25 '11, 23:05
to Jan 26 '11, 21:43
killed by a crocodile
escape Chibimon 8 105 0:01:07 0 Knight Human Female Lawful 16 /16 dungeon dlvl 1 Jan 23 '11, 08:01
to 08:02
Chibimon 5,004 5,318 2:27:44 1 Archeologist Human Female Lawful -3 /58 Mines dlvl 8 Jan 22 '11, 21:07
to 23:35
killed by a small mimic
Chibimon 18,813 10,943 11:49:52 1 Healer Human Male Neutral -7 /70 dungeon dlvl 11 Jan 19 '11, 22:47
to Jan 21 '11, 23:54
killed by an energy vortex
Chibimon 13,002 4,342 5:01:37 1 Priest Human Male Lawful 0 /60 dungeon dlvl 8
out of 9
Jan 18 '11, 22:16
to Jan 19 '11, 06:22
killed by a rothe, while frozen by a monster's gaze
Chibimon 14,136 5,869 2:15:36 1 Priest Human Male Chaotic -2 /65 dungeon dlvl 7
out of 8
Jan 13 '11, 22:55
to Jan 18 '11, 21:51
killed by a leocrotta
Chibimon 8,099 3,196 0:52:25 1 Priest Human Male Neutral -4 /57 Mines dlvl 6 Sep 2 '10, 05:04
to 20:17
killed by an orc-captain
ascension Chibimon 2,732,892 42,838 6 days, 9:40:43 0 Tourist Human Male Neutral 260 /260 Planes dlvl -5
out of 49
Jul 28 '10, 10:29
to Aug 4 '10, 11:58
Chibimon 1,736 2,276 1:27:30 1 Tourist Human Male Neutral 0 /22 Mines dlvl 5
out of 6
Jul 28 '10, 08:41
to 10:09
killed by a dwarf
Chibimon 626 4,086 1:46:50 1 Tourist Human Male Neutral -7 /33 Mines dlvl 5 Jul 27 '10, 16:43
to 18:29
killed by a watch captain
escape Chibimon 465 25 0:01:19 0 Tourist Human Male Neutral 10 /10 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 27 '10, 16:41
to 16:42
Chibimon 1,076 1,922 0:34:43 1 Tourist Human Male Neutral -1 /14 Mines dlvl 4 Jul 27 '10, 16:06
to 16:40
killed by a dart
Chibimon 3,372 2,064 0:44:16 1 Tourist Human Male Neutral -5 /12 dungeon dlvl 5 Jul 27 '10, 15:20
to 16:05
killed by a falling rock
ascension Chibimon 2,684,710 50,394 1 day, 22:26:28 1 Samurai Human Female Lawful 84 /100 Planes dlvl -5
out of 48
Jul 25 '10, 15:21
to Jul 27 '10, 13:48
escape Chibimon 8 1 0:00:05 0 Caveman Human Female Lawful 16 /16 dungeon dlvl 1 Jul 25 '10, 15:21
to 15:21
Chibimon 953 1,815 0:24:39 1 Samurai Human Male Lawful 0 /30 dungeon dlvl 6
out of 7
Jul 25 '10, 14:56
to 15:20
killed by a water demon, while dressing up
Chibimon 2,552 5,123 1:43:49 1 Samurai Human Female Lawful -11 /70 Mines dlvl 6
out of 7
Jul 25 '10, 13:08
to 14:52
killed by a Grey-elf, while frozen by a potion
Chibimon 34,668 8,447 4:44:55 1 Samurai Human Male Lawful 102 /102 Sokoban dlvl 7
out of 11
Jul 25 '10, 07:00
to 11:50
petrified by a cockatrice
Chibimon 2,177 1,556 0:36:32 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -7 /49 Mines dlvl 4 Jul 23 '10, 07:47
to 08:24
killed by a dwarf lord
Chibimon 284 1,401 4:15:34 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /30 dungeon dlvl 3 Nov 13 '09, 19:54
to Nov 14 '09, 00:10
killed by a giant rat, while fainted from lack of food
Chibimon 1,200 1,562 0:22:05 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /37 dungeon dlvl 3 Nov 11 '09, 18:21
to 18:43
killed by a giant bat
Chibimon 1,086 1,441 0:33:18 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /36 dungeon dlvl 1
out of 2
Nov 10 '09, 00:51
to 01:24
killed by a water elemental
Chibimon 8,085 6,281 2:04:17 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /67 Mines dlvl 9 Nov 9 '09, 22:36
to Nov 10 '09, 00:40
killed by a gnome lord, while reading a book
Chibimon 690 1,629 0:17:59 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /25 dungeon dlvl 4
out of 5
Nov 9 '09, 22:17
to 22:35
killed by a jackal
Chibimon 2,091 3,272 1:06:30 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /46 dungeon dlvl 5 Nov 9 '09, 21:09
to 22:16
killed by a little dog
Chibimon 25,109 9,534 20:14:49 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /64 Mines dlvl 5
out of 10
Nov 9 '09, 00:52
to 21:08
killed by a hill orc, while praying
escape Chibimon 8 1 0:00:12 0 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 12 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Nov 9 '09, 00:51
to 00:52
Chibimon 20 85 0:01:36 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Nov 9 '09, 00:22
to 00:23
killed by a falling rock
Chibimon 141 536 0:08:51 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -3 /7 dungeon dlvl 2 Nov 9 '09, 00:12
to 00:21
killed by a boiling potion
Chibimon 1,038 1,140 0:23:03 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /30 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Nov 8 '09, 23:31
to 23:54
killed by a wererat
Chibimon 43,060 13,520 5:08:08 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /61 Mines dlvl 5
out of 10
Nov 7 '09, 21:43
to Nov 8 '09, 02:51
killed by Mr. Cahersiveen, the shopkeeper
Chibimon 1,933 2,667 4:37:19 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /39 Sokoban dlvl 5
out of 7
Nov 7 '09, 16:58
to 21:35
burned by molten lava
Chibimon 22,952 15,689 4:55:19 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /76 Mines dlvl 10 Nov 7 '09, 03:15
to 08:11
killed by a blast of frost
Chibimon 7,239 4,229 0:58:08 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -3 /57 dungeon dlvl 6 Nov 7 '09, 02:17
to 03:15
killed by a soldier ant, while praying
Chibimon 3,072 1,820 0:33:21 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -4 /44 Mines dlvl 6 Nov 7 '09, 01:43
to 02:16
killed by a gnome lord
Chibimon 574 1,016 0:18:38 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -3 /34 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 3
Nov 7 '09, 01:24
to 01:43
killed by a water demon
Chibimon 7,557 3,937 1:07:56 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /82 Mines dlvl 7 Nov 6 '09, 23:36
to Nov 7 '09, 00:44
killed by an ape, while praying
Chibimon 6,126 3,836 1:11:23 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /56 Mines dlvl 7
out of 8
Nov 6 '09, 21:27
to 22:38
killed by a fire ant, while sleeping off a magical draught
Chibimon 90 173 0:02:32 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /12 dungeon dlvl 1
out of 2
Nov 6 '09, 21:24
to 21:26
killed by a falling rock
Chibimon 4,338 2,678 0:41:30 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /46 Mines dlvl 5 Nov 6 '09, 20:38
to 21:20
killed by a tiger
Chibimon 27,057 11,624 12:38:04 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -5 /73 Mines dlvl 7 Nov 6 '09, 07:06
to 19:45
killed by a mumak
Chibimon 826 1,601 0:24:43 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /25 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Nov 6 '09, 06:40
to 07:05
killed by a little dog
escape Chibimon 0 97 0:00:48 0 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 12 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Nov 6 '09, 06:39
to 06:40
Chibimon 4,746 4,006 1:15:45 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -3 /54 dungeon dlvl 6
out of 7
Nov 6 '09, 05:22
to 06:38
killed by a housecat, while fainted from lack of food
quit Chibimon 0 1 0:00:10 0 Barbarian Orc Female Chaotic 15 /15 dungeon dlvl 1 Nov 6 '09, 05:21
to 05:21
Chibimon 472 1,534 0:17:08 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -9 /24 dungeon dlvl 1
out of 3
Nov 6 '09, 05:04
to 05:21
killed by a black pudding
Chibimon 6,438 5,815 3:54:55 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /41 dungeon dlvl 5
out of 6
Nov 6 '09, 01:08
to 05:03
killed by a dog
Chibimon 832 2,086 0:29:21 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -1 /31 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Nov 5 '09, 06:58
to 07:27
killed by a wand
Chibimon 4,040 2,946 1:02:52 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -3 /43 Sokoban dlvl 5
out of 7
Nov 5 '09, 05:52
to 06:55
killed by a fire ant
Chibimon 9,936 7,759 2:10:10 1 Ranger Human Male Chaotic 0 /55 dungeon dlvl 5
out of 6
Nov 4 '09, 22:27
to Nov 5 '09, 00:37
killed by a manes, while frozen by a monster's gaze
Chibimon 1,718 2,860 1:15:03 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -3 /55 dungeon dlvl 5 Nov 4 '09, 20:27
to 21:42
killed by a bugbear
Chibimon 373 618 12:21:42 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 0 /19 dungeon dlvl 2
out of 3
Nov 4 '09, 07:54
to 20:16
killed by a water moccasin
escape Chibimon 238 915 0:11:54 0 Rogue Human Male Chaotic 20 /20 dungeon dlvl 1 Nov 4 '09, 07:42
to 07:54
Chibimon 7,188 3,840 1 day, 22:49:57 1 Rogue Human Male Chaotic -2 /78 dungeon dlvl 3
out of 4
Nov 1 '09, 21:48
to Nov 3 '09, 20:39
killed by a rothe