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Most egregious deaths

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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
ascension Abaxos 2,931,806 43,241 16:30:33 0 Wizard Human Male Neutral 227 /266 Planes dlvl -5
out of 47
Aug 15 '11, 15:08
to Aug 16 '11, 17:20
Abaxos 356 1,121 0:11:58 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -1 /24 Mines dlvl 3
out of 4
Aug 15 '11, 14:54
to 15:07
killed by a gnome
Abaxos 2,864 2,189 0:17:45 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral 0 /47 Mines dlvl 6 Aug 15 '11, 14:32
to 14:54
killed by a dwarf
Abaxos 58,265 17,987 4:25:28 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral 83 /83 Mines dlvl 7
out of 13
Aug 14 '11, 22:30
to Aug 15 '11, 14:31
killed by the wrath of Ptah
Abaxos 199 283 0:02:32 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -6 /12 Mines dlvl 3 Aug 14 '11, 22:28
to 22:30
killed by a dwarf
quit Abaxos 0 1 0:00:11 0 Healer Human Male Neutral 13 /13 dungeon dlvl 1 Aug 14 '11, 22:27
to 22:27
Abaxos 652 1,237 0:07:27 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -1 /35 Mines dlvl 7 Aug 14 '11, 22:19
to 22:27
killed by a white unicorn
Abaxos 3,925 2,328 0:22:21 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -1 /46 Mines dlvl 7 Aug 14 '11, 21:43
to 22:19
killed by a gnome
Abaxos 1,306 1,583 0:14:12 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -6 /43 Mines dlvl 6 Aug 14 '11, 21:29
to 21:43
killed by a gnome
quit Abaxos 63 92 0:00:51 0 Wizard Human Male Neutral 12 /12 dungeon dlvl 1 Aug 14 '11, 01:17
to 01:18
Abaxos 1,345 1,219 0:08:49 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -4 /53 Mines dlvl 6 Aug 14 '11, 01:06
to 01:15
killed by a dwarf
Abaxos 166 122 0:00:39 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -3 /12 Mines dlvl 3 Aug 14 '11, 01:05
to 01:06
killed by a gnome lord
Abaxos 1,686 942 0:09:15 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -1 /49 Mines dlvl 8 Aug 14 '11, 00:55
to 01:05
killed by a human mummy called Abaxos
Abaxos 2,159 921 0:10:02 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -8 /43 Mines dlvl 6 Aug 14 '11, 00:45
to 00:55
killed by an orc mummy
Abaxos 1,919 1,493 0:09:44 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral 0 /42 Mines dlvl 4
out of 6
Aug 14 '11, 00:35
to 00:44
killed by a crossbow bolt
Abaxos 2,025 1,613 0:13:56 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -1 /43 dungeon dlvl 4
out of 6
Aug 14 '11, 00:20
to 00:34
killed by a water moccasin
Abaxos 1,298 1,972 0:20:47 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -4 /33 dungeon dlvl 5
out of 6
Aug 13 '11, 23:47
to Aug 14 '11, 00:20
killed by an orc zombie, while fainted from lack of food
Abaxos 6,851 3,774 0:46:59 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -4 /57 Mines dlvl 11 Aug 13 '11, 22:07
to 23:47
killed by a giant spider
Abaxos 635 706 0:05:34 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -5 /23 dungeon dlvl 4 Aug 13 '11, 21:59
to 22:05
killed by a little dog
Abaxos 14,977 3,764 1:03:49 2 Wizard Human Male Neutral -9 /78 Mines dlvl 6
out of 11
Aug 13 '11, 20:54
to 21:58
killed by a Green-elf, while sleeping
Abaxos 824 1,575 0:11:30 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -2 /32 Mines dlvl 4 Aug 13 '11, 20:41
to 20:53
killed by a dwarf
Abaxos 8,123 3,143 0:38:09 1 Wizard Human Male Neutral -1 /67 Mines dlvl 9 Aug 12 '11, 22:42
to Aug 13 '11, 20:41
killed by a gnome lord