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Player Score Turns Duration Deaths Role Race Gender Align HP /Max HP Died in desc
ascension FirstTry 3,110,178 76,977 21:14:28 0 Wizard Orc Female Chaotic
171 /171 Planes dlvl -5
out of 52
Jul 9 '12, 13:20
to Jul 10 '12, 10:35
ascension Abaxos 2,931,806 43,241 16:30:33 0 Wizard Human Male Neutral 227 /266 Planes dlvl -5
out of 47
Aug 15 '11, 15:08
to Aug 16 '11, 17:20
ascension Chibimon 2,732,892 42,838 6 days, 9:40:43 0 Tourist Human Male Neutral 260 /260 Planes dlvl -5
out of 49
Jul 28 '10, 10:29
to Aug 4 '10, 11:58
ascension ultrabill 4,842,160 75,473 23:22:18 0 Barbarian Human Male Neutral 316 /328 Planes dlvl -5
out of 50
Jul 16 '10, 01:29
to Aug 1 '10, 00:28
ascension Chibimon 2,684,710 50,394 1 day, 22:26:28 1 Samurai Human Female Lawful 84 /100 Planes dlvl -5
out of 48
Jul 25 '10, 15:21
to Jul 27 '10, 13:48
ascension Eevee 4,706,570 59,628 2 days, 9:25:08 3 Wizard Elf Female Chaotic 122 /153 Planes dlvl -5
out of 51
Nov 4 '09, 05:43
to Dec 15 '09, 03:48